OpenWGA / womodo CMS Server Version 7.4.2 ========================================= Additional Script Languages - 00004894: SASS conversion may not work bc. of class loader problems - 00004895: Don't cache JSMin resources on error - 00004900: SASS wga_file_url() may throw NPE in some situations Admin Client - 00004892: Admin client: Script errors when selecting publisher option "LanguageBehavior" - 00005002: db-explorer: relation entries are not encoded AFW - 00005020: AFW.Util.csvWriter() does not create first column if value is empty - 00005021: Improved AFW.Handlebars Template Engine CM - Classico - 00005009: CM Siteexplorer does not handle not visible structentries when paged Content Modules - 00005010: CMM-Login-Module message "unable to find database" - 00005014: Content module "downloads": show thumbnails and file meta infos Contentstore Maintenance (plugin-cs-maintenance) - 00004896: Added plugin-cs-maintenance to OpenWGA gradle build Server - 00004891: OpenWGA Filter Chain not reinitialized on config reload - 00004893: WGAHttpSession manager throws NPE if you try to store null values in the session - 00004897: HDBModel.newCreateContentParams(, null) throws exception - 00004898: Added plugin-xFireServer to OpenWGA gradle build - 00004899: Auto rotate images with EXIF orientation TAG - 00005007: Restrict REST service discovery to admins - 00005011: New virtual link type "context expression" - 00005012: contenturl() now returns empty string if virtual target is unreachable - 00005015: New Language Behaviour "Browser preferred Languages" - 00005018: HDBModel: onSave() is called in parents postUpdate event method WebTML - 00004890: WGAPI - 00005001: Added WGRelationData.setTargetLanguage(String) - 00005013: Added