OpenWGA / womodo CMS Server Version 7.5.0 ========================================= Admin Client - 00005093: Choosing "request based authentication" as auth-source leads to NP in admin client if request has no credentials - 00005113: Virtual Hosts: changed default robots.txt to allow everything - 00005115: Admin client: unable to render "Web Applications ... by domain" if too many apps configured - 00005117: admin client: improved query browser for sql queries AFW - 00005086: New TML "handlebars" in AFW CM - Classico - 00005073: CM linkchecker: endless redirects via 301 leads to stackoverflow - 00005104: Content Manager: links created via drag-drop contains XXX in link title - 00005110: CM "no-content" window don't show published versions of other languages if author has no right to edit contents of those languages - 00005111: CM: dialog "create version" should copy all elements by default - 00005114: CM: removed linkchecker proxy config from Content Manager REST API - 00005094: REST api does not work when App has "request based authentication" like SPNEGO Single Sign On Server - 00004889: HTTP 500 if TITLEPATH-with-keys and not all parents have published contents - 00005053: NPE on each request if personalisation mode is "login" - 00005096: Removed attribute "uid" from generated JSPs - 00005097: Added TLD-Management to grade build script - 00005102: ClassLoader problems on OpenWGA under windows - 00005105: Websocket error java.lang.IllegalStateException - 00005108: Call App event websocket=disconnect synchronous instead of asynchronous - 00005116: Title path improvements when used with virtual hosts and hide-default-dbkey=true TMLScript - 00004791: Non-isolated managed globals should have full access to WGA environment - 00005095: New ServletRequest Wrapper for Rhino engine - 00005099: New Rhino Javascript Wrapper for java.util.HashMap WebTML - 00005088: Advanced WebTML pre-processor - 00005098: New $is_ item expressions - 00005100: New WebTML attributes wrap, wrap_... and wrap-... - 00005101: WebTML dynamic item expression attributes now accepts metas - 00005118: should handle derivate attribute WGAPI - 00005049: WGContent.addRelationToGroup() should check if target is already in group - 00005083: New simplified WGA.database().query() variants - 00005084: New method each(function) for CollectionResult-s - 00005085: WGA.urlBuilder improvements - 00005087: NPE in BrowserLocalLanguageBehaviour - 00005089: Added new content META "url" - 00005090: Simplified WGA.createMail() parameters - 00005091: Added WGA.createMap() - 00005092: Encoding issue in WGA.urlBuilder() - 00005103: Added TMLContext.tag([id]) to retrieve tag infos - 00005106: returned wrong object for managed globals - 00005107: create new instance instead of returning existent instance. - 00005109: Added the option to execute App events synchronous Workflow - 00005112: Default workflow mail subject changed