OpenWGA / womodo CMS Server Version 7.4.0 ========================================= Additional Script Languages - 00004823: SASS function wga_file_url() does not use the current design - 00004821: Process css-variables script from @base AND overlay design - 00004858: JSMin compression is executed twice AFW - 00004835: RTF-Editor: improved "cleanup HTML" toolbar function - 00004832: AFW Cleanup - 00004842: RTF editor tables now uses style instead of attributes CM - Classico - 00004834: Content Manager: Added visualisation of headings


- 00004851: CM RTF Editor: added
 as format option
- 00004853: RTF editor: add image derivate when image is sized
- 00004822: CM doesn't load if settings "entries in siteexplorer" is empty string
- 00004819: Access rights improvements in Content Manager (CM)
- 00004831: Content Manager: Show derivate infos on file meta dialog
- 00004833: CM improvements and cleanup
- 00004840: RTF Toolpanel tabs disabled in SAFARI 10.0.3
- 00004856: Removed "compare versions" in content manager
- 00004859: Content Manager: Drag&Drop of files stopped working in actual FireFox version

Content Modules

- 00004825: CMM style include improvements
- 00004826: CMM module "image": don't render download-URL if downloads are not enabled.
- 00004829: corrected module-css for css-medium
- 00004836: CMM: user defined names for module sections
- 00004843: Content Module "childpages": added "headings" to module settings


- 00004824: Portlets not working in Safari private surfing mode
- 00004861: JDBC Driver options
- 00004828: Behaviour on portlet ajax failure
- 00004864: Disabling DMS PDF poster/preview derivates still processes PDFs
- 00004852: Changed fileExpirationMinutes Default from 10 to 10080 minutes
- 00004860: OpenWGA is unable to create derivates from CMYK Jpg images


- 00004854: Changed handling of TMLScript Globals


- 00004830:  creates empty srcset attributes
- 00004841: Portlets are rendered twice in many situations


- 00004827: Added collectionResult.isEmpty()
- 00004820: Added method to resolve all system resources for a given name/type
- 00004850: WGAPI improvements: WGDocument.setitem/setItems/setValues
- 00004855: Implemented and
- 00004857: added now() to TMLContext
- 00004865: ColectionResult.firstResult/firstResultContent optimizations
- 00004866: WGA.nav().navigation(): order not supported in isolated mode
- 00004846: WGA.encode() should optional receive a TMLContext
- 00004848: Improvements to HDBModel API
- 00004849: Added WGA.context(context-expression)