OpenWGA / womodo CMS Server Version 7.11.3 ========================================== Additional Script Languages - 00006246: SASS-Compiler: check for Java version > 11 Admin Client - 00006243: DB-Explorer: Show real name of logged in user CM - Classico - 00006233: Replaced bi-style-injections with wcss variants to work with java 17 Content Modules - 00006232: Module "Login": improved HTML and CSS - 00006234: Module cm_fieldset: wrap formfields in
for better css styling - 00006245: Module "tiles": corrected margin in case of multiple tiles - 00006250: Module "form": separated global form messages from field messages Debian Packages - 00006231: Corrected prefix of localhost_access_log filename WebTML - 00006235: NPE in navigators when called without context - 00006251: : Added around options texts WGAPI - 00006242: UniqueNamePartFormatter: replace backslash with underscore - 00006249: Added tmlform.getfieldmessages()