OpenWGA / womodo CMS Server Version 7.10.7 ========================================== Additional Script Languages - 00006058: wcss processor: conversion error when reading css-variables.tmlscript result - 00006068: wcss: corrected EOL handling - 00006071: wcss: @media directive does not replace wcss vars CM - Neo - 00006056: CM-Neo Admin view: Icon "back to website" invalid if womodo does not run im ROOT context - 00006057: CM-Neo Trash management: made number of days to keep configurable - 00006059: CM-Neo CSS cleanup - 00006062: Image item editor: improved images-drop to show poster url instead of file url - 00006069: CM-Neo RTF-Link-Dialog: changed wording for internal links - 00006074: CM-Neo: attachment panel may show attachments of wrong content. Content Modules - 00006061: Content modules "tile" and "image": changed link target options - 00006063: Module "tiles" not presented as columns in non-responsive designs - 00006070: Improved CSS for module "form/form-field textarea" Server - 00006064: Possible XSS attack in womodo error.jsp - 00006066: Removed version.jsp WGAPI - 00006055: Scriptlet imgurl: Unable to generate url if structkey is given instead of contentkey - 00006067: Unable to create WGATempFile in jobs - 00006073: WGA.lucene().updateIndex() does nothing