OpenWGA / womodo CMS Server Version 7.10.6 ========================================== Additional Script Languages - 00006036: wcss: impovements - 00006040: WCSS postProcessor: Added "processor:wcss" to cacheQualifier AFW - 00006038: Jquery-Plugins: changed SCSS to WCSS - 00006041: require.config: Added url param "wga-version" to all included resources - 00006049: jquery-plugin wga_drophandler: added config option onLinkDrop CM - Neo - 00006037: Changed resources from .scss to .wcss - 00006039: Changed item editor css class names - 00006042: Content settings: show character count during typing - 00006043: Publish page: form layout errors when validto/validfrom is filled - 00006050: Dialog event "close-dialog": added optional property "reloadselected" - 00006052: CM-Neo: Improved wording on login screen plugin-management - 00006046: Replaced SCSS with WCSS - 00006047: workflow: Updated wording "page is published" Server - 00006044: WGContentType: added eventscript "status changed" to pushData() WGAPI - 00006048: Added CollectionResult.exclude(context-expression) - 00006051: Added