OpenWGA / womodo CMS Server Version 7.10.2 ========================================== Additional Script Languages - 00005982: Added new wcss processor CM - Neo - 00005970: Display problems in RTF tool panel - 00005975: Editor type="text|number|date": save and close on ENTER - 00005979: Some Icons where not shown if OpenWGA is not installed as servlet root context - 00005981: Alert message if item could not been saved - 00005983: Dialog "create-content": sort languages Contentstore Maintenance (plugin-cs-maintenance) - 00005966: CS-Patcher: unable to patch HSQLDB contentstores and plugins Debian Packages - 00005978: Added preinst script to remove existing tomcat bin and lib Enterprise Plugin - 00005969: Check Java Version before registering Lotus Domino modules - 00005971: Content module "document": improved CSS plugin-management - 00005980: /start page: Set http status code to 404 if startpage is not enabled REST API - 00005967: JAX-B dependencies for JDK 9+ Server - 00005972: Updated com.thoughtworks.xstream to version 1.4.19 - 00005974: Allow urls to file container without file name - 00005977: Updated tomcat to version 9 - 00005984: ProblemDeterminationTask: do not send multiple mails WebTML - 00005973: : parameter evaluation should be done based on the parent context if available WGAPI - 00005968: Added XStreamUtils.createXStream()