OpenWGA / womodo CMS Server Version 7.10.12 =========================================== Admin Client - 00006167: Access-stats: don't log heap usage requests - 00006168: Exception in action "clear all caches" CM - Neo - 00006159: RTF: Added new link target type "default" - 00006160: Timing problem loading panels in CM-Neo - 00006163: Unable to enter valid-from/to time values - 00006166: Updated fontawesome to version 6.5.1 Content Modules - 00006152: module "form field" renders incorrect HTML - 00006153: Module "form-field" type "file": added option "multiple" - 00006164: Updated content modules scripts to correctly use jquery's $ as parameter - 00006165: Google Maps: removed option "weather" Enterprise Plugin - 00006162: Removed java lib "bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on" Server - 00006156: Removed java libs genesis* - 00006161: Updated mysql driver class name WebTML - 00006151: renders invalid HTML WGAPI - 00006154: DefaultFileAnnotator: extract Mp4 metadata to read width and height of videos - 00006157: Updated xstreamutils to work with eclipse WDS - 00006158: Added WGA.Server.getServerName() - 00006169: WGAHttpClient: added "synchronized" to method execution