

Issue #00005164

JSMin processor now evaluates tmlscript @import-s

The JSMin processor has the possibility to @import other resources. Those "other resources" normally are other JS/JSMin resources (type javascript).

We now added the following feature:

If a resource of type "tmlscript" is @import-ed the tmlscript is executed and the result is imported.

The tmlscript should either return a String or a native JS-Object. If a JS-Object is returned it will be converted to a JSON-String.


// sample.jsmin
//@import type=tmlscript get-version

// get-version.tmlscript:
return 'var WGAversion="' + WGA.server().version + '";'

// resulting JS-Code
var WGAversion = "7.5.3 Build 669";

Sample 2:

// sample.jsmin
var CMS = 
//@import type=tmlscript get-version

// get-version.tmlscript:
return {
    version: WGA.server().version

// resulting JS-Code
var CMS = 
{"version": "7.5.3 Build 669"}